

If you plan to continue your education at a school in Kansas, take the guesswork out of transferring your courses with the Systemwide General Education framework.

的 Kansas Board of Regents developed the Systemwide General Education framework to make transferring easier for you.

You will have 34-35 credit hours to complete if you’re working toward any of these degrees:

When you finish the coursework, you will receive a “完成KS系统通识教育” 赌钱app可以微信提现成绩单上的批注.

Upon transfer to a Kansas public institution of higher education, the 34-35 general education framework credit hours completed at 赌钱app可以微信提现 will satisfy the general education requirements at the receiving institution, unless an exception for a specific program has been approved by the Kansas Board of Regents (visit Kansas Board of Regents' General Education Exceptions page). 的 shift to using the Systemwide General Education framework will begin 2024年夏天.

If you transfer before completing the general education framework, you will have courses evaluated at the receiving institution on a course-by-course basis, based on the list of Systemwide Transfer Courses in each general education bucket category.

You are encouraged to finish all 34-35 general education course credits before transferring to a 4-year higher education institution. 这将简化转账过程, 降低成本, and accelerate your progress toward degree completion.

的 Systemwide General Education framework is organized into 6 discipline-based “buckets;” and an institutionally designated bucket. 的 institutionally designated bucket at 赌钱app可以微信提现 is called 骑士学分. 骑士学分 require the completion of additional credit hours to be selected from the 6 general education disciplines.

Developmental courses do not satisfy the general education bucket requirements. 的se are the required credit hours for each discipline bucket:

纪律 学时要求
英语 6学时
通信 3学时
数学 & 统计数据 3学时
自然 & 物理科学 4-5 credit hours (minimum 4 hours of a lab science required)
社会 & 行为科学 2个学科领域需要6个学分
艺术 & 人文学科 2个学科领域需要6个学分
骑士学分 6学时

除了赌钱app可以微信提现, 所有州立社区学院, 沃什伯恩大学, and the six state universities are participating, 包括:

  • 恩波里亚州立大学
  • 海斯堡州立大学
  • 堪萨斯州立大学
  • 匹兹堡州立大学
  • 堪萨斯大学
  • 威奇托州立大学

的 Kansas Board of Regents has included these 赌钱app可以微信提现 degrees:

注意: 的 Associate of Applied Science (AAS) and the Associate of General Studies (AGS) degrees are NOT included in the framework. 如果你完成了AAS和AGS, your courses will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis by the receiving institution.  

的 Kansas Board of Regents has adopted a Systemwide Elementary Education transfer degree pathway for you.

遵循 初级教育学位图. 的 transfer degree provides a pathway from any Kansas public community college offering the degree to any Kansas public university. 的 pathway identifies courses/credit hours to be taken at the community college level and reflects the Kansas Board of Regents General Education framework and recommended education coursework.

的se courses/credit hours transfer to any Kansas Board of Regents university as the first 60 hours toward a 120-hour PK-6 Elementary Education program degree.

Specialized baccalaureate programs may require you to complete specific general education requirements to align with major-specific or program requirements. Visit KBOR’s exceptions to learn about specific program requirements.

Your grades depend on your receiving institution's grading standards. For example, you might be required to earn a "C" or better in certain general education courses. Your transfer advisor can help you answer these questions.

堪萨斯传送门 provides a detailed list of transfer courses available in each subject area and at each Kansas public college/university. Use the 堪萨斯传送门 to confirm which transfer courses taken at 赌钱app可以微信提现 will transfer to any Kansas public institution of higher education that offers an equivalent course.

赌钱app可以微信提现 outlines transfer courses if you plan to transfer 赌钱app可以微信提现 credits to another college or university. 赌钱app可以微信提现转移指南信息 helps ensure you transfer courses efficiently in alignment with the general education framework.

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