
作为一个残疾人, 你可能对何时以及是否应该披露你的残疾有特殊的疑问, 甚至要求住宿, 在你找工作的时候.

成功地进行职业规划, it is important to take advantage of and seek out a variety of experiences in college. 发现自己独特的价值也很重要, strengths and skills to give you the information you need to market yourself to potential employers.

Keep the following in mind before starting your job search to help find the right job for you.


Personality and other career or self-discovery assessments are wonderful tools for helping to decide what sort of job would be right for you. Taking them for yourself will enable you to explore different career options; many employers also request that job candidates take personality and other psychological tests in order to gauge their strengths and predict whether they would fit well into their 公司文化.


把你所有的职业都写下来 硬技能 (你通过你的教育或培训获得的)和你的 软技能 (人际交往能力,如良好的沟通、可靠性和灵活性). 然后, review job announcements to see how your skills measure up to those requested in the “Preferred Qualifications” sections of the job description.


Although you probably have many of the competencies that employers are seeking, it never hurts to 扩展你的技能. 例如, if most of the interesting job ads you read request that you know a specific computer program, you’ll garner an excellent return on your investment of time and money by learning the software.

Our 职业发展中心 is staffed with coaches who would be happy to help you with career planning and decision-making. 鼓励预约,但不是必需的.


访问服务重视残疾给大学校园带来的多样性. 访问服务 provides students with disabilities equal opportunity and access to college programs and services so all students can participate in the full college experience available at 哪个app可以赌足球




The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a civil rights law that was passed in 1990. It prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, 包括工作, 学校, 运输, 以及所有对公众开放的公共和私人场所.

The purpose of the law is to make sure that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. The ADA gives civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities similar to those provided to individuals on the basis of race, color, 性, 国家的起源, 年龄和宗教. It guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in public accommodations, 就业, 运输, 州和地方政府服务, 和电信.

The ADA is divided into five titles (or sections) that relate to different areas of public life.*

*“工作场所的合理安排” ADA全国网络2020年6月



It unlawful for an employer to discriminate against a qualified applicant or employee with a disability. It is your right to request reasonable accommodations that are needed to fulfill required job duties. 美国.S. 平等就业机会 Commission website addresses common questions about how the ADA protects applicants with disabilities, 包括关于披露和歧视的信息.



Job seekers with a disability may find themselves struggling with the questions: "Should I or shouldn't I disclose my disability?”“什么时候披露是合适的?” This decision may also be influenced depending upon whether you have a visible disability or a non-visible disability. 最终,是否公开的决定完全取决于你.

美国.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy not only helps answer these questions, 但也澄清了为什么披露可能是必要的, 如何披露你的残疾详情, 向谁透露什么, 以及保护措施和责任.



All employees must be able to perform the essential job duties required for a position, 有或没有住宿. It is wise to consider what accommodations or tools may be needed to function in the work environment prior to being hired. Employers are required by law to provide reasonable accommodations to allow you to perform essential job duties. Depending on the nature of your disability, it is up to you when and if you choose disclosure.

Visit the 就业介绍网 for updated guidance on workplace accommodations

根据1990年《赌钱app可以微信提现》(ADA), it is illegal for employers to treat qualified applicants with disabilities unfavorably because they have a disability, 残疾史, or because they are believed to have a physical or mental impairment that is not transitory and minor, 即使申请人没有这种损害.

The law also prohibits employers from asking job applicants to answer medical questions or take a medical exam before extending a job offer.


  • 你有残疾吗?
  • 你曾经申请过工伤赔偿吗?
  • 你曾因心理健康问题接受过治疗吗?
  • 你有哮喘、心脏病、痛风等吗.?


  • Employers may ask whether applicants would need reasonable accommodations to perform certain tasks central to the open position, 以及需要什么样的住宿条件.
  • Employers are also allowed to describe the physical requirements of a job and ask applicants to describe or demonstrate how they would perform the job.
  • Employers need to be careful to phrase questions in a way that answering would not force the applicant to reveal whether or not they have a disability.

*“避免问这些非法的面试问题, CareerBuilder, 2009年9月. 2018

即使雇主无辜地问我, an illegal question can inadvertently lead the employer to discriminate against you. 判断一个问题是否恰当的基本经验法则是: Does the question have anything to do with your work skills or experience for the job you are applying for?

那么,你该如何回答一个不合法或令人不舒服的面试问题呢? 回答不恰当或非法的问题可能会很棘手. 你当然可以选择诚实地回答这个问题, 尽管坦率的回答可能会危及你的候选人资格. 你也可以拒绝回答这个问题, 在某些情况下,哪一种可能是合适的, but can also make you seem defensive or unfriendly if the question was asked without ulterior motives. 幸运的是, there are ways to answer these questions without seeming evasive and without being offensive. 这里有一些技巧:

  • 优雅地避开这个问题,把谈话引向别处
  • 让你的回答简短、宽泛、概括
  • 把问题转向面试官
  • 问面试官为什么这个问题与你的工作相关

*节选自“如何处理非法(或不恰当)的面试问题”,“BigInterview, 2020年7月

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